John DeCostanza Jr., DMin


John DeCostanza Jr., DMin (he/him/his), Research Advisory Board 

As the Assistant Vice President for Mission & Ministry, John has spent nearly a decade ministering to the students, faculty, and staff at Dominican University, a Catholic, Hispanic-Serving Institution (CHSI) just outside Chicago. There he collaborates with student leaders and professional ministers to move the needle on culturally responsive collegiate ministry. John and the staff have established three different student fellowship and internship programs for faith justice formation. The two fellowship programs, Ministry en lo Cotidiano and Beloved Community, immerse students in justice work in predominantly Latine and Black and African American communities and invite students to reflect on those experiences through the theological wisdom and spiritual practices of those communities. 

When asked about his life’s mission, John says he believes “in the power of education to create faith-filled, democratic leaders for a more just Catholic Church and world. And I also believe that organizing communities and institutions is a key method for getting there.” He also serves as the President of the Board of Directors for the Coalition for Spiritual and Public Leadership. He lives with his partner, Susan, three children, and their dog in Chicago, where he enjoys coaching a local wrestling team, hiking, and kayaking.  

John tells us, “I am involved in the work of Springtide Research Institute because good data and thoughtfully crafted research can inform great practices. Ministry has to engage youth and young adults with dynamic faith lives where they are and in real time. Springtide does this important work.” 

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