Combat Loneliness. Cultivate Belonging.
Belonging: Reconnecting America’s Loneliest Generation
Also available on Apple Books and Amazon.

Combat Loneliness. Cultivate Belonging.
Combat Loneliness.
Cultivate Belonging.
Belonging: Reconnecting America’s Loneliest Generation
Also available on Apple Books and Amazon.
Young people today are experiencing epidemic levels of loneliness.
Our data in Belonging indicate that one in three of our young people feel completely alone much of the time. Nearly 40% have no one to talk to and feel left out, and 45% feel as if no one understands them.

Young people need more trusted adult relationships in their lives.
Connecting young people to even just one additional trusted adult can reduce their feelings of loneliness, isolation, and stress. But the benefits of connecting young people to five or more trusted adults is a game-changing prospect—and ought to be our goal.

The Belongingness Process
Young people’s experiences of belongingness can be cultivated by trusted adults, and belongingness deepens through an identifiable process. We call this the Belongingness Process.
When Springtide analyzed the interview data for our Belonging report, we observed a clear pattern in the stories of young people as they moved from joining a group to ultimately experiencing true belonging within that group.
Over and over again, three distinct experiences showed up in their narratives: feeling noticed, feeling named, and feeling known. These experiences build on one another to deepen the overall experience of belonging. This movement sometimes happens quickly and sometimes more slowly.

The Belongingness Process
Young people’s experiences of belongingness can be cultivated by trusted adults, and belongingness deepens through an identifiable process. We call this the Belongingness Process.
When Springtide analyzed the interview data for our Belonging report, we observed a clear pattern in the stories of young people as they moved from joining a group to ultimately experiencing true belonging within that group.
Over and over again, three distinct experiences showed up in their narratives: feeling noticed, feeling named, and feeling known. These experiences build on one another to deepen the overall experience of belonging. This movement sometimes happens quickly and sometimes more slowly.

Belonging: Reconnecting America’s Loneliest Generation
Also available on Apple Books and Amazon.

Download A Springtide Guide for Serving Young People in Your Life, with insights from Belonging.