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Use Compass field-tested surveys to effectively guide and engage young people.

Tracking national data is instructive, but you need more. You need data specific to the young people your organization works with, and you need help gathering it.

Compass provides your organization with nationally tested and proven surveys so you can gather the data you need from the young people you serve.

Have Questions?

Fill out the form to learn more.

If you’re ready to purchase, call us directly at 866-457-7927 or visit the shop page.

Why Compass?

Leverage Springtide research expertise.

Springtide is the leader in social-scientific research on young people ages 13 to 25. After tens of thousands of surveys, we know what questions to ask to get the data you need. We’ve built our expertise into Compass so that you can administer your survey with confidence.

Fast results for quick decisions.

We know you want information to act on as soon as possible. Compass is designed for fast administration and analysis. A unique survey URL is ready as soon as your survey is built, and findings are ready to read as soon as your survey closes.

Affordable custom-like research.

When customized research feels out of budget, time line, or scope, Compass lets you say yes to original data collection. If you’re ready for a full custom research project, click here to learn more.

Your organization.
Your data.

With anonymized results, a private dashboard, and a unique organization-specific link, Compass ensures confidentiality at every step. Your respondents can answer with confidence that their privacy is protected, and you’ll know that your data is accurate and secure.

Compass works for you.

Every purchase of Compass comes with a core survey focused on identity and engagement. This survey provides a demographic profile of the young people in your community as well as data about their values and what they say engages them. Survey add-on modules are available for purchase also, including the option to create your own survey questions with the help of our research team. Compass starts at $1,499. See your full range of options and pricing here.

Add-on Survey Modules

Religious Identity & Practice

Mental Health

Loneliness & Belonging


Custom Survey Questions

Post-purchase, we’ll help you get started with a Quick Start Guide, access to the Compass Road Map web page, and your own online data dashboard to monitor survey responses from the young people in your organization. Choose our Custom Analyses & Slide Deck add-on module to receive a custom slide deck of your findings, ready to to share with key stakeholders.

Find your path forward with Compass.

Ready to purchase? Call 866-457-7927 or visit the shop page.
Ready to purchase?
Call 866-457-7927

Better Data. Better Decisions.

Real, Meaningful Data

Compass will enable you to make strategic decisions based on social-scientific data. Gauge what the young people in your organization think, with ease. Utilize the results to make data-focused decisions that move your organization into the future.

National Comparisons

Compass surveys offer a local take on what Springtide researchers have already measured nationally. How do the young people in your community compare to the demographics, perceptions, and experiences of young people across the United States? You no longer have to guess—with Compass, you’ll have the answers.

A Way Forward

Whether you’re overhauling your strategic plan or just trying to improve your demographic knowledge, Compass will provide you with the data you need to direct your organization into a future that gives young people—and the leaders who serve them—what they need to thrive. 

Frequently Asked Questions


What is this survey for? Who could take a survey?

Compass is built for organizations of all sizes and missions, united by a single cause: a desire to better know young people.  

is ready to help youth ministry programs, schools, Boys & Girls Clubs, teen outreach centers, intergenerational workplaces, nonprofits, and more. If your organization includes young people ages 13 to 25 and wants to better understand them, then Compass is for you! 

What does Compass measure?

The core Compass survey is focused on identity and engagement. It provides a demographic profile of the young people in your community as well as data about their values and what they say engages them. Each of our optional survey add-on modules offers other areas of focus. Details about each add-on can be found in our pricing guide. 

How much does Compass cost?

Compass starts at $1,499. Details about additional options can be found in our pricing guide. 

What do I get with my purchase of Compass? 

Your unique survey link and QR code will be emailed to you, ready for distribution to the young people in your organization. You’ll also get a link to your password-protected online data dashboard, making it easy to see progress along the way. You’ll receive a digital and physical copy of our Quick Start Guide to walk you through every stage of the surveying process, along with access to the Compass Road Map web page.

Can Compass measure change over time?  

Compass makes it easy to measure change over time. The core survey stays the same, enabling you to compare responses from young people across multiple years. We recommend fielding a survey in year 1 and again in year 2 (or every year!) to see how responses compare or vary through time. You can also customize add-on modules each year, choosing to explore the same or different focus areas. 

Can we compare our survey results to national data?

Each add-on survey module relates to national survey data published in Springtide reports. Comparing your local findings with national data allows you to understand trends at a high level, seeing similarities or differences within your population of young people.

Is Compass different than custom research? 

Compass surveys offer an add-on module with up to five custom questions. Beyond this limited module, Springtide custom research presents the best path forward to fully design your study.

Springtide custom research services include everything from program evaluations to grant support to in-depth, national-level research initiatives for organizations serving young people ages 13 to 25. Contact us to learn more.

How often can I order and administer Compass? 

To avoid survey fatigue within the same community of young people, we recommend fielding a Compass survey no more than once per year. There is no limit to Compass survey purchases.

Can I get help understanding my results?

Yes. The Custom Analyses & Slide Deck add-on module offers personalized next steps from the Springtide team. This is ideal for any organization seeking a streamlined experience from survey creation to a findings slide deck.

The Springtide research team will clean and analyze your data, identify meaningful subgroup differences, and create a tailored digital slide deck of findings, ready to share with your key stakeholders.

How do I get started?

Simply fill out the form at the top of this page and someone from the Springtide team will give you a call with more information. We’ll talk through your goals and customize Compass to fit your organization’s needs. 


When can I see my results?

Your online data dashboard lets you see the results as they come in! Best practice is to check the results page only to monitor the number of respondents while the survey is still open. Wait until you have finished collecting the data to critically examine the results. You don’t want to make judgments based on incomplete data. 

What is the online data dashboard?

The online data dashboard shows how survey respondents answered each question. You will receive a link to this dashboard as a part of your purchase. This password-protected dashboard shows results in the aggregate, meaning they aren’t separated by individual or by any specific demographic grouping. 

Can I see individual survey responses?

No. To protect the anonymity of respondents, we do not share individual survey responses.

How long do I have access to my online data dashboard?

Your survey is open for one year from the date of purchase. Your online data dashboard is available for two years from the date of purchase.  

Data Security

Are responses anonymous and confidential?

Yes. No questions collect identifiable information. Keep all information confidential by granting dashboard access to only one or two key people.

Is the data secure?

Original data are stored on servers protected by two-factor authentication processes and accessible to only the Springtide research team. Your online data dashboard is password protected.

Information that participants share will be kept confidential. We do not collect identifying information that can link a respondent’s identity to their survey responses. Risks of data breaches when sending information over the internet lie beyond our control.    

Where and how long is the data stored?

Original data are stored on servers protected by two-factor authentication processes and accessible to only the Springtide research team. Your online data dashboard is available to you for up to two years from the date of purchase. 

How will Springtide use the data that is collected?

Springtide will not share data collected by individual organizations. We reserve the right to reproduce, publish, distribute, display, or otherwise use survey results or data from these surveys in the aggregate without using names or other identifying information for organizations or participants. 


How long does it take to complete the survey?

The core Compass survey takes about 8 minutes to complete. Each add-on survey module takes between 4 and 5 minutes. Short survey times increase response rates. 

How many survey modules can I add on?

We suggest a maximum of three add-on modules. Without any add-ons, the Compass core survey takes about 8 minutes to complete. Each add-on takes between 4 and 5 minutes to complete. More than three add-ons make for a long survey, which could lower survey response rates. 

How do I get young people to take my survey?

The Quick Start Guide that comes with your survey link and QR code offers helpful tips! 

What is the cancellation policy for the survey? 

Cancellations are not allowed. All sales are final. 

Is there a minimum or maximum number of respondents required for this survey?

No. However, drawing accurate conclusions from surveys with few respondents is nearly impossible. If you have only a small number of young people to survey, we recommend that you team up with a larger group to get a broader look. 

Can Compass be taken on a mobile device?

Yes! This survey uses a mobile-friendly platform that can be opened on any internet browser. When clicked, the link distributed via email or text will automatically open a browser window for the survey. 

Can I use paper surveys?

No. Compass surveys are available online only. 

Is there a specific time frame in which the survey must be administered?

You have one year from the date of purchase to administer the survey. Your unique link and QR code will expire after that date. 

How do I design the survey?

You won’t need to do any work to design your survey! The Springtide team takes care of all the design details. Once you have your survey link and QR code, consult your survey Quick Start Guide for ideas on how to distribute. 

Do young people answer surveys truthfully?

Studies show that young people respond to anonymous surveys  more truthfully than they do to surveys that are not anonymous. Partnering with Springtide builds an additional layer of identity protection for young people to feel safe sharing their thoughts. 

Can I add questions?

Yes! The Custom Survey Questions add-on module allows you to create up to five of your own questions. Questions will be reviewed and approved by the Springtide research team to make sure they work within the survey. 

Can I eliminate questions?

Yes. Contact our team for more details. 

Which demographic questions are included in the survey?

We ask respondents about their gender, age, race, sexuality, work and school status, and socioeconomic level. The Religious Identity & Practice add-on module asks about religious affiliation. 

In which languages is the survey available?

The survey is currently available in English only. If you are interested in another language, please contact us; we may be able to accommodate your request.  

Can I see sample copies of the survey or dashboard?

Yes! Contact us to see what the survey and dashboard will look like.