The State of Religion & Young People 2022: Mental Health–What Faith Leaders Need to Know

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Provide what young people need to thrive.

Our research shows religion and spirituality help mental health. We’ll show you how to build structures that support young people’s mental health from within. We’ll show you how to create structures in your organization that help young people foster meaningful connection, develop healthy expectations, and discover their purpose. . .so that they might flourish again.

Full Description
Provide what young people need to thrive.

Our research shows religion and spirituality help mental health. We’ll show you how to build structures that support young people’s mental health from within.

Insights drawn from our research of over 10,000 young people, including more than 100 interviews, demonstrate the positive difference religion and spirituality have on young people’s mental health. Our research uncovered that today’s young people crave depth and meaning in every area of their lives. Our actionable insights will help you move from reactive response to proactive planning that supports mental health from day one.

We’ll show you how to create structures in your organization that help young people foster meaningful connection, develop healthy expectations, and discover their purpose. . .so that they might flourish again.

The Springtide Series on Mental Health is using new research on the mental health needs of Gen Z to equip and empower educators, faith leaders, parents, and employers to create mental-health friendly spaces.

Product Details
Item Number:
Weight:.5 lbs
Dimensions:8.5 in; 11 in; 6.75 in

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5.0 rating based on 1 rating
Cherilyn Horning
31st Jan 2023
As a parent of 2 young teens, an employee of a church and a person who is concerned about the mental health of my community, this report has been a sobering but very helpful tool to understand the current scenario our children and youth are growing up in. I have used some of the data in grant proposals as well. Thank you for this all of the effort and resources that went into this research and report!
5.0 rating based on 1 rating
Joseph Fowler
03rd Feb 2023
This has been extremely helpful in seeking to love and reach the next generation.