Make mental-health friendly spaces the standard for Gen Z
Young people need schools, homes, workplaces, and religious settings focused on encouraging mental health, not just responding to mental illness or crisis. Through our ongoing research on mental health, we’ll use data to help show you how.
I’d like to be involved:

“We are all Energizer bunnies running on fumes, trying to live with this. We don't have time to take care of our mental health. It's a choice. And it can't be a choice anymore. It needs to be a necessity.”
—JJ, Age 15

We’ll show you how to prevent crisis, not just respond to it
Spaces that focus on forging connections, aligning expectations, and helping young people discover a sense of purpose are proactive in promoting mental health among young people.
Qualities of mental-health friendly spaces

Connection is about creating spaces of belonging.

Expectations is about making sure standards for success are matched by the tools to meet those standards.

Purpose is about helping young people connect with something bigger than themselves.
Cultivated from our research, we’ll show you how to put these in motion in your space
Resources for Gen Z mental health
The Voices of Young People Podcast
A new season focused on young people’s experiences with mental health is now available.
Free Downloads
With these free resources you’ll learn how create a mental-health friendly environment. The actionable insights are rooted in our mental health research.
Tool Kits
Key partners will equip you with toolkits for trusted adults, putting research-backed insights into action.
Mental Health & Gen Z
Find the right research report or resource for you
Mental health In the media
Be part of the conversation
Click below and read the full article.
For Half Of Gen Z, Parents Stand In The Way Of Better Mental Health
Three Things to Know About Gen Z's Mental Health Crisis
READ THE ARTICLEGeneration Z Is Sinking in a Post-pandemic Mental Health Crisis
Springtide Research Study Finds LGBTQ+ Students Suffer from Mental Health Issues
To Improve Student Mental Health, We Need More Than Crisis Response
Local schools have plans in place to support students in times of tragedy
READ THE ARTICLESurvey: Third of students reluctant to seek help for mental health issues
How to build a mental health-friendly culture for your student
READ THE ARTICLEIt’s not a movement.
It’s our mission. Join us.
It’s not a movement.
It’s our mission.
Join us.
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