The State of Religion & Young People 2020: Relational Authority

The State of Religion & Young People 2020

Unpacking the complexity of young people's religious lives, with special features exploring how they feel about politics, careers, and online gatherings.

The inner and outer lives of Gen Z are complex. The world today is complicated. The way young people form bonds and make meaning is changing.
Our data show that checking “affiliated” or “unaffiliated” on a survey doesn’t tell the whole story on young people's religious identities. It doesn’t tell us all we need to know about the things young people long for and belong to.

Your work with young people is important. Too important to keep relying on outdated information or incomplete frameworks.

More important than checked boxes? Behaviors.

More revealing than affiliations? Relationships.

Surveys Completed
Interviews Conducted


Hear directly from young people in

The Voices of Young People Podcast, Season 3

Take a Closer Look at . . .

In addition to reporting on the complexity and diversity of young people’s religious lives and relationships in general, The State of Religion & Young People 2020 also includes brief, in-depth studies on important issues that have emerged in our research, including virtual environments, politics, and careers and vocations. These sections, while brief, are not tangential to the state of religion and young people. As young people’s religious longings and belongings shift, expand, and change, religious leaders must be prepared to serve these impulses wherever expressed—including in online gatherings, political discourses, or workplaces. 

Religion & Young People
Politics & Young People
Virtual Environments & Young People 
Religion & Young People
Politics & Young People
Virtual Environments & Young People