For Research Participants

Has Springtide asked you or a family member to participate in a research study?  

We are a nonprofit organization that conducts social scientific studies for our own reports as well as on behalf of other organizations, such as schools and churches.  

Participation is voluntary. At any time, you may opt out of a research study or of communications from us. You may also opt out of Springtide receiving or maintaining your personal information. To remove any personal information from our database or to not receive future communications from Springtide, email  

Your information is secure and confidential. We will not share any identifying information that could link your identity to your survey responses. Should you choose to share your name and email address, no one at Springtide Research Institute will link your email address to your survey responses. Study findings will be presented only in summary form or by using deidentified information, such as pseudonyms. While the investigator(s) will keep your information confidential, there is always a risk of data breaches beyond the control of the investigator(s) when sending information over the internet. 

We implement extra measures to safeguard young people. All Springtide staff adhere to a safeguarding policy that ensures protection for minors who participate in our studies. We monitor all interactions to make sure that young people feel safe, heard, and respected.  

Your role is important. By participating in a study, you add your unique perspective and contribute to a broader understanding of young people across the United States.  

Have more questions? If you have any other questions, please email If you have a question specific to a study you are involved in, please email or call the phone number on your informed consent form to reach your study’s principal investigator.