Dr. Vijay Satnarine


Dr. Vijay Satnarine (he/him/his), Research Advisory Board

Dr. Vijay Satnarine serves as the director of education for the Hindu American Foundation, working on projects related to the academic preparation of educational materials for use by the US Hindu community and the broader American society. Vijay is actively involved in the standardization of professional spiritual care provision, in the research and implementation of decolonial methodologies, and in bringing compassionate ancestral techniques to difficult discussions. Part of his life mission is to contribute to transmitting the teachings of his ancestors with integrity, relevance, and dynamic yet grounded responses to the needs of the times. 

Vijay lives in Orlando, Florida, and loves traveling to places with ancient cultures, “learning how humans have oriented themselves to better understand and thrive amidst mother nature’s phenomenal spectra.” 

Of his Springtide involvement, Vijay says “Springtide is engaged in thoughtful, timely, and consequential research that will help better equip us and future generations to deal with the variety of opportunities and challenges of our times more inclusively and equitably.” 

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