Dr. Tricia Bruce


Dr. Tricia Bruce (she/her), Director

tricia (at) springtideresearch.org

Dr. Tricia Bruce is a sociologist who has devoted her career to researching the social dimensions of religion in society and sharing that research with wide audiences. She is the author or editor of five books as well as articles in The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Science Advances, and more. Tricia’s books and reports have won awards from the Catholic Press Association, the American Sociological Association, and the Religious Research Association, and her insights have been featured in documentaries, podcasts, and international talks and new stories. Tricia is also actively involved in professional associations: currently, as President-Elect of the Association for the Sociology of Religion and past Chair of the Religion Section of the American Sociological Association. 

A Texas native, Tricia earned her Ph.D. in sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara before becoming a tenured professor of sociology at Maryville College in Maryville, Tennessee. In recent years, her client-based work as a sociologist and affiliate of the University of Notre Dame’s Center for the Study of Religion and Society has explored organizational and attitudinal change across a variety of settings. She describes her professional mission as “using the tools of social science to build greater understanding, empathy, and bridges across difference as we live together in community.” 

Describing her involvement with Springtide, Tricia says: “I’ve devoted my career as a sociologist to studying and communicating the dynamics of social life in ways that translate to non-sociologists. Springtide is uniquely positioned as a thought leader in listening to young people and sharing those insights with all who hold a stake in what they have to say (which means all of us!). I’m thrilled to join Springtide at a pivotal time in its development, poised to move toward an even bigger impact and purposeful engagement with the present and future of our social world.” 

Tricia and her husband of 18 years are the parents of two middle schoolers; they call Knoxville, Tennessee home. When not working, Tricia stays active with community work, barre classes, running, and performing folk music.

Photo by Deja Hodges Photography.

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