
Dr. Kursat Ozenc


Dr. Kursat Ozenc (he/him/his), Research Advisory Board 

Kursat is a designer, educator, and author. He is Vice President of Design at JPMorgan Chase & Co., specializing in design strategy, user experience, and product design. Kursat teaches classes on organizational culture at Stanford University’s d.school and writes about work, rituals, and culture. His work on rituals has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Atlantic, Fast Company, and elsewhere. He has written two books, Rituals for Virtual Meetings and Rituals for Work that focus on helping organizations build healthy cultures.  

His passion in life is “inspiring and empowering people to build intentional cultures at home, work, and within their social circles.” Kursat is married with three children, and he loves biking, cooking, and swimming.  He is eager to join Springtide’s Research Advisory Board to “help people like my nieces and students navigate life’s big questions with confidence.”  

Kursat holds a PhD in Design from Carnegie Mellon University, an MFA from Sabanci University, and a BID from Middle East Technical University. He was born and raised in Turkey, and currently lives in Sunnyvale, California. 

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