Claire Nelson


Claire Nelson (she/her/hers), SAP Leadership Fellow

Claire Nelson serves as the current Springtide Ambassadors Program (SAP) Leadership Fellow; she joined Springtide as an ambassador with the 2023 cohort. Claire helps facilitate monthly SAP meetings and finds creative ways for current and past Ambassadors to stay connected with the work of Springtide. Describing her involvement with this research institute, Claire says, “I find Springtide’s research into the psychology of modern young people fascinating, and I am eager to begin working with Springtide as the SAP Leadership Fellow. I am so excited to support all the members of the 2025 SAP Cohort throughout their experience as a Springtide Ambassador.” Claire recently graduated from the University of Minnesota with a bachelor’s degree in English. Outside of work, she enjoys reading and spending time with friends.

Springtide Ambassadors are asked to respond to these prompts as part of their website bios. Here are Claire’s responses from the time she was an Ambassador!

Favorite entertainment: Harry Potter

Favorite dessert: Tres leches, tiramisu, and my mom’s marshmallow pie

Place where I feel centered: The bedroom I grew up in

Unique talent or trait: I have a very pretty signature.

Dream profession: Writer

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