13 Points on Generation Alpha

 In Gen Alpha

At our recent Conference on Mental Health, Religion and Gen Z, a participant asked the question “What about Generation Alpha?”  

Generation Alpha is the generation following Gen Z – they’re born between 2010 and 2024. While here at Springtide, we study the religious and spiritual lives of those 13-25, the oldest of Generation Alpha will be turning 13 in 2023. Mark McCrindle, founder of the Australian research firm McCrindle, coined the name; using the first letter of the Greek alphabet represents the end of previous naming structures (Gen X, Y and Z) and the beginning of a new cycle.   

Here’s some quick details on Generation Alpha and estimations of their uses and preferences, courtesy of McCrindle, the Annie E. Casey Foundation and published academic research:  

  • They are the first generation to be born entirely in the 21st century 

  • Their appearance aligns with the launch of the first iPad in 2010 

  • Their early childhood will be defined by the COVID-19 pandemic 

  • By 2025, Gen Alpha will have more than two billion members worldwide 

  • Gen Alpha are the children of Millennials and the younger siblings of Gen Z 

  • They’ll have the most resources and will be the most technologically literate of any generation 

  • Based on current trends, Gen Alpha will be the most racially and ethnically diverse generation to date 

  • Online and digital learning will be a core part of their educational experience 

  • Visual elements (e.g. video) will be core to their educational, social and entertainment experiences

  • Their social media consumption may look different but will be just as frequent as their Gen Z counterparts 

  • They’ll be accustomed to app-based play and more screen time, but also may have shorter attention spans and a lack of social formation 

Interested in learning more? Download our free report to get key characteristics, trends, and demographics about 13-year-olds and Generation Alpha.

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