In the News: Six Ways Adults Can Help Children Make Sense of a Divisive Election

 In In the News

Springtide Research Institute was recently featured in The Washington Post. This article, Six ways adults can help children make sense of a divisive election by Phyllis Fagell is reprinted in part below, but we encourage you to visit their site to read the piece in its entirety.

The morning after the vice-presidential debate, third-grade teacher Marvin Reed showed his class a clip of the final question, from Brecklynn Brown, an eighth-grader from Utah: “When I watch the news, all I see are two candidates from opposing parties trying to tear each other down. If our leaders can’t get along, how are the citizens supposed to get along?” Reed then asked his students at Thousand Oaks Elementary School in Berkeley, Calif., for their reactions.

Click here to read the article in full.

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