
Nima Dahir


Nima Dahir (she/her), Research Advisory Board

Nima is a Stanford University PhD student in sociology, studying access to housing and racial discrimination. She aspires to use her research and time to contribute to a more just and equitable world. Nima is a co-founder and board member of Refuge, an organization centered on mentoring young adult refugees. She also provides data scientific aid to school districts and educational organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area, aimed at furthering understanding about how interventions affect students. 

“I have three phenomenal sisters who inspire me daily,” says Nima. She counts among her passions music, poetry, and nature, and in her free time enjoys listening to a large rotation of podcasts, hiking, and watching movies.

Nima says of her involvement with Springtide, “I am fascinated by and deeply invested in how young people experience belonging, identity, and meaning. I have found deep spiritual nourishment and identity in my faith practice; understanding how and why pathways to meaning are available for some (and how access to these pathways might be increased to all) is of intellectual and personal interest for me.” 

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