


George (he/him/his), Springtide Ambassador (23 – Florida)

Favorite entertainment: I’m a big fan of story-driven video games, books (mostly theology but fiction as well), and the occasional TV show (Midnight Mass, The West Wing, and The Handmaid’s Tale are my latest faves). I’m also a huuuge music nerd – I listen to a bit of everything.

Favorite dessert: I’m not a huge dessert person, but I do like pecan pie.

Place where I feel centered: I don’t know that I feel centered in any particular place lately, but maybe in my car? Whether this time is spent in silence or prayer or if I have music playing, it’s nice to have my commute time to myself.

Unique talent or trait: I actually have perfect pitch, which is pretty useful whenever I’m doing anything music related.

Dream profession: I’m about to wrap up a master’s degree in theology, so whatever job I can get with that is my dream job. But really, I’d love to work in Catholic/religious media, in academia or a university setting, or in a ministerial role.

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