What We Know About Today’s Church (And How We Know It) with Tricia Bruce

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Springtide Research Director Dr. Tricia Bruce was recently featured on AMDG: A Jesuit Podcast. You can see an excerpt of this conversation in part below, but we encourage you to visit their site to listen to this episode in its entirety.

We know that one of the key drivers of this [religious] non-affiliation trend has been younger generations and younger people. Looking at what Springtide has been tracking for several years now, part of this is a language issue: We’re not really capturing the religious and spiritual lives of young people with the kinds of narrow affiliation questions that we’re asking. But even so, this newer pattern does not look like a rapid rise in the “Nones” …but a leveling off. This is a trend worth paying attention to because, in fact, the most recent data that Springtide has gathered reflects pretty similar numbers to the year before, in terms of… where young people are.

Click here to listen to the podcast.

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