In the News: A Quarter of Young American Muslims Say Their Lives Lack Meaning and Purpose. Here’s How to Change That.

 In In the News

Springtide Research Institute was recently featured in The Muslim Vibe. This article, A Quarter of Young American Muslims Say Their Lives Lack Meaning and Purpose: Here’s How to Change That, is reprinted in part below, but we encourage you to visit their site to read the piece in its entirety.

Sinthia Shabnam graduated from North Carolina State University in Spring 2020 with a double major in political science and sociology. Now, she works as a legislative fellow for the Poligon National Education Fund, a premier U.S. Muslim-American advocacy organization. Sinthia loves her new job, but getting there wasn’t easy. “I had six different part-time fellowships and internships, many of which at the same time,” she told us, before quickly adding, “But every small experience was a blessing, because everything I did made an impact and contributed to my learning in the long-term.”

Click here to read the article in full.

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