Young BIPOC have not abandoned religious belief, new study finds

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Springtide Research Institute was recently featured by Baptist News Global. You can see an excerpt of the article in part below, but we encourage you to visit their site to read the piece in its entirety.

“Young people aren’t waiting on the church anymore. They’re doing it themselves. They’re creating communities of belonging,” she said. “They’re engaging in faith-based and spiritually grounded practices, including acts of justice and peacemaking, which are central to how they understand their faith to be lived out in the world. And they are doing it without the stamp of approval from churches.”

The webinar was held to discuss the institute’s February report, “Navigating Injustice: A Closer Look at Race, Faith and Mental Health.” The study found that young BIPOC — Black, indigenous and people of color — are slightly more religious and enjoy better mental health than their white Generation Z peers.

DeWald and BIPOC Research Fellow Cassandra Ogbevire delved into the study’s implications for churches and specifically for parents and youth ministers.

Click here to read the full article.

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