
To reach Gen Z, commit to face time

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Springtide Research Institute was recently featured by Kentucky Today in an article. You can see an excerpt of this article in part below, but we encourage you to visit their site to read the piece in its entirety.

Chris Trent, whose 30-plus years of student ministry led to his current role as Next Gen catalyst for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board, cited a 2020 study by Springtide Research Institute that addressed young people’s desire to have a mentor.

“They need to feel cared for before they can be receptive to others in their life,” Trent said. “Only 50 percent of young people who report having no mentors say their life has meaning. That number rises to 70 percent when there is at least one mentor and 86 percent with two to four.”

When there are five or more mentors involved, he added, 91 percent of young people say they feel their life has meaning and purpose.

Click here to read the full article.

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