In the News: A New Aspect of the Tarot Boom: Diversity in the Deck

 In In the News

Springtide Research Institute was recently featured by Religion News Service. This article, A new aspect of the Tarot boom: Diversity in the deck is reprinted in part below, but we encourage you to visit their site to read the piece in its entirety.

Since before the pandemic began, the boom in sales of tarot decks has served to complete a piece of the spiritual puzzle surrounding Generation Z: They may be famously areligious, but they are still getting their spiritual fix through old-school practices such as tarot.

A recent study has now added a new piece: Tarot’s popularity is being led by young people of color.

According to recent research from Springtide Research Institute, young people identifying with various indigenous groups, including First Nations, native Hawaiians and Alaskans, report the highest rate of tarot use, at 64%. That is followed closely by Black youth (62.9%) and then LatinX youth (55.3%).

Click here to read the full article.

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