
Meet Four Gen Z Women Who Became Catholic

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Springtide Research Institute was recently featured by FemCatholic in an article. You can see an excerpt of this article in part below, but we encourage you to visit their site to read the piece in its entirety.

 In their report “The State of Religion and Young People 2023: Exploring the Sacred,” Springtide surveyed 4,500 Gen Zers about why they used social media. The most common answer was “to gain information.” While previous generations often tended to accept or reject the religion their parents practiced, Gen Zers will continue seeking until they find something that resonates with them. According to Angela Patterson, the head writer and editor for Springtide, it is more accurate to personify Gen Z as a generation of seekers than a generation of nonbelievers. 

“Young people in particular have a very non-linear path when it comes to exploring their faith,” Patterson said in an interview with FemCatholic. 

Click here to read the full article.

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