For this Gen X and Gen Z duo, mentorship is mutually beneficial

 In In the News

Springtide Research Institute was recently featured by Employee Benefit News. You can see an excerpt of this article in part below, but we encourage you to visit their site to read the piece in its entirety.

Morton’s enthusiasm is representative of her generation. Eighty-six percent of young workers are looking for bosses and managers that help them grow, according to Springtide Research Institute. And yet, just 38% feel they have someone in their life who’s modeling success. 

As the workforce’s youngest entrants navigate a post-COVID world and play catch-up on professional lessons lost during the pandemic shutdowns, providing mentorship opportunities is an increasingly vital way for organizations to attract and retain fresh talent. LinkedIn data shows that Gen Z is more likely than other generations to seek out new opportunities, with 61% craving increased responsibilities and 76% looking for a chance to learn new skills.

From Minor’s perspective, Morton brings a wealth of new ideas and new skill sets to the workforce, enabling them to collaborate and creatively problem solve across departments. The pair recently spoke to EBN about their working relationship, why career growth is a key ingredient to workplace happiness, and why mentorship is not something that can be forced. 

Click here to read the full article.

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