LGBTQ+ Young People Experience More Discomfort Sharing Political Views with Adults
For LGBTQ+ young people, talking with adults about political views can feel difficult in today’s political climate. In our 2024 survey, we asked young people ages 13–25 how they feel about talking to the adults in their lives about politics. The comparisons are shown between respondents who identify as LGBTQ+ (21% of the full sample) and respondents who do not identify as LGBTQ+ (77%). For the purpose of clarity, respondents who do not identify as LGBTQ+ are referred to as heterosexual or straight.
Are LGBTQ+ Young People Comfortable Talking about Politics with Adults?
LGBTQ+ young people report feeling less comfortable having conversations about politics with adults. Respondents were given the opportunity to rate their level of agreement with this statement: “I feel very uncomfortable speaking to adults about politics.” A third (34%) of LGBTQ+ respondents said “agree” or “strongly agree,” while only 24% of straight respondents said the same. And while 41% of heterosexual respondents said they feel comfortable talking to adults about politics, only 33% of LGBTQ+ young people feel the same way.
LGBTQ+ young people may feel uncomfortable talking about politics with adults because they feel that adults underestimate their political knowledge. When asked to respond to the statement “I know more about politics than the adults in my life give me credit for,” 44% of LGBTQ+ respondents agree, as compared to 33% of straight respondents.
LGBTQ+ Young People Feel Significantly Less Free to Speak Their Minds about Political Issues
While only 13% of straight respondents disagree with the statement “I feel free to speak my mind about political issues when I’m around the adults in my life,” 25% of LGBTQ+ young people say they disagree. In comparison, 55% of straight young people agree that they can speak their minds with adults, while only 44% of LGBTQ+ young people agree.
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Note: See question wording and survey responses in the topline survey results and review methodology here.