New Report Sheds Light on the Eldest of Gen Alpha

 In Gen Alpha

The oldest of Gen Alpha have now entered their teen years, and we wanted to learn more about their experience.  

Our latest report, Thirteen: A First Look at Gen Alpha, shares an initial glimpse into the newest generation. We asked more than one thousand 13-year-olds across the US to share their thoughts on identity, politics, religion, media, and their experience with COVID-19. They know one thing for sure—they’ve made the initial transition into Teenage Land, and it brings a mix of excitement, confusion, and anticipation. The rest is being figured out as they go.  

Although our findings hardly define Gen Alpha as a whole, they do shed light on how the oldest among them are experiencing life right now. Having this touchpoint will help us observe and understand shifts through time, whether those are average shifts in maturity or true hallmarks of a generation. 

Below are a few survey findings from this report: 

What 13-year-olds had to say about being 13

What 13-year-olds had to say about being 13

Interested in learning more? Download our free report to get key characteristics, trends, and demographics about 13-year-olds and Generation Alpha.


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