Br. Ernest Miller, FSC


Br. Ernest Miller (he/him/his), Research Advisory Board

Brother Ernest serves as Director of The Adrien Nyel Project with De La Salle Christian Brothers, District of Eastern North America and lives in New York City.

Previous assignments include Vice President for Mission, Diversity, & Inclusion at La Salle University as well as five years in district leadership roles in Lasallian ministries and formation. Prior to that, Brother Ernest served as a teacher at three Lasallian secondary schools. At one, Central Catholic in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he was founding director of the David S. Baginski, FSC, (Christian Brothers) Scholars Program, an interdisciplinary studies endeavor for honors-level students. Brother Ernest is “actively involved in education and advocacy on human rights and justice issues.”

Among hobbies, he includes travel, “especially by train,” political and international affairs, and reading.

Brother Ernest describes his role with Springtide as part of his “Lasallian commitment to the spiritual formation and personal development of young people.”

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