


Gabriella (she/her), Springtide Ambassador (18 – Washington)

Favorite entertainment: I prefer real life entertainment to books, movies, and shows, so I’m most entertained, invigorated, and relaxed when spending time with children.     

Favorite dessert: Sweet potato chocolate chip pancakes, a great breakfast and dessert, or Indonesian “kue pepe,” which is a steamed layered cake including sago and coconut milk.     

Place where I feel at rest: Listening to my favorite Christian worship songs (which usually are in non-English languages) while watching glimmering lights of a city unfold below during a nighttime airplane takeoff. The spectacular array beneath me reminds me of how great my God is.     

Unique talent or trait: I’ve hula hooped for over fifty minutes straight, and I used to read books while hula hooping.   

Dream profession: A career that combines my love for teaching young children and my aspirations to study physical therapy. 

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