b'springtidereseNaracmh.eodr g9 95But to be named extends beyond identifying someone correctly. Naming someone also refers to the relational aspect mentioned above. Educators can strengthen the good work they are already doing in this area. Only about half (56%) of young people agree with the statement Adults at my school miss me when I have not been in school for some reason. When we look at young people who feel otherwiseyoung people who disagree that adults at their school miss their presence when they are absentits middle schoolers and public college students who are most likely to feel anonymous. oung people who disagreedisagree oror strongly disagreestrongly disagree with the statement below: with the statement below:Young people who YAdults at my school miss me when I have not been Adults at my school miss me when I have not been in school for some reason.in school for some reason.52% MidMdilded slceh socohleorosl52%50% Puubblliiccccoolllleeggee50% P45% C45% Coommmmuunniittyyccoolllleeggee44% Hiigghhsscchhooooll44% H39% Prriivvaatteeccoolllleeggee39% P34% Grraadduuaatteesscchhooooll34% G31% Trraaddeesscchhooooll31% TBecause our samples of each population are small, they are indicativethough not conclusiveabout Because our samples of each population are small, they are indicativethough not conclusiveabout which students might feel they are unnamed in the context of school.xt of school.which students might feel they are unnamed in the contetaking attendance, be sure you know how to pronounce each students name correctly. Properly greeting each student starts that very basic connection of saying that you care. If teaching a large lecture where learning everyones name isnt possible, consider ways to help students learn one anothers names early on in the semester with opening questions that prompt conversation between and among different students.'