b'62 s spprirninggtitdideereresseeaarcrchh.o.orgrg1THEThe Belongingness Process BELONGINGNESS PROCESSSpringtides Belongingness Process identifies three steps or building blocks for creating belonging for young people. And this experience of belongingof deep and varied connections within a communityis critical for THE their mental health at school. For each step, BELONGINGNESSe obvious actions. Schools trusted adults can takPROCESSoften do well with these critical building blocks, but there are opportunities to dig deeper into each of these dimensions as well, to increase belonging in educational settings.LEVEL 1: (I am) Noticed The perception of being noticed by anotherbeing seen or acknowledged, even in the most straightforward waysis the initial step toward a sense of belonging. It is here that young people describe the power of being invited into relationship and having others become interested in them. Consider this comment from a young person we interviewed when conducting our initial research for Belonging: The dominant experience of young people when it comes to interacting with adults is of being dismissed. I just dont expect them to pay attention to me. The simple act of seeing generates an initial sense of belongingness for a young person, which creates a foundation for deeper relationships.We asked young people to tell us whether they experience being noticed at school. The majority of young people do feel they are acknowledged by adults or peers on a daily basis while at school.71% Adults acknowledge my78% At my school, at least one person presence at my school. says hello to me every day.'