b'6springtideresearch.orgHOW TO BUI LDBELO NG ING Make schools that are mental-health friendly the standard for Gen Z The mental-health crisis among young people has reached epidemic proportions . The American Academy of Pediatrics, the Childrens Hospital Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry recently declared this crisis a national emergency . Widely available data confirm high rates of depression, anxiety, violence, and suicide among young people . The national conversation about mental health is right in shifting away from the individual and the psychologicalthat is, what can one person be doing differently to improve their own mental healthand beginning to reframe the issue as a collective concern: What can schools and other organizations be doing to better support the mental health of young people?Springtides research makes it clear: Schools that create connection, foster alignment between tools and expectations, and help young people discover a sense of purpose are highly likely to succeed at promoting the mental health and flourishing of young people. This resource previews just a small sample of our data and insights related to the first categoryconnectionbut theres more to be found about all three in the full report: Mental Health & Gen Z: What Educators Need to Know.'