b'springtideresearch.org59Springtide has long had an interest in how Gen Z experiences belonging. Our data xperiences belonging . Our data show that 62% of young people with no trusted adults agree with the statement in their lives agree with theI feel completely alone , and only 9% of young people with five or more statement I feel completely alone, and only 9% of young people with five or more trusted adults in their lives agree with the same statement. In other words, trusted adultstrusted adults in their lives agree with the same statement . In other words, trustedare a critical piece for helping young people eadults are a critical piece for helping young people experience belonging.xperience belonging .Facilitating connection for young people in schools is one of the first steps to becoming an organization that is mental-health friendly. How can educational. How can educational leaders foster connections that help young people feel they belong? How to Create BelongingYoung peoples experiences of belonging must be cultivated by trusted adults. And xperiences of belonging must be cultivated by trusted adults . And belonging deepens through an identifiable process. In 2020belonging deepens through an identifiable process . In 2020, Springtide released a report titled Belonging: Reconnecting Americas Loneliest Generation, which demonstrated a pattern in the stories of young people as they moved from initial xperiences of belonging . Three distinct feelings kept surfacing as they joining to experiences of belonging. Three distinct feelings ktalked: feeling noticed, being named, and feeling known. This pattern also surfaced ed: feeling noticed, being named, and feeling known . This pattern also surfaced in the interviews we conducted for this report. Win the interviews we conducted for this report . We refer to this pattern of moving from noticed to named to known as the Belongingness Process. .Young people initially enter relationships, groups, and organizations because of certain commonalitiesshared interests, values, beliefs, practices, vocations, or professions. But they stay in those relationships when they feel likprofessions . But they stay in those relationships when they feel like they belong. e they belong . Schools appear ripe with potential for connectionsconnections among peers and with teachers, mentors, coaches, and more. However . However, most students arent connected in ways that matter for mental well-being. Only 20% of students tell us connected in ways that matter for mental well-being . Only 20% of students tell us they feel they belong at their school and feel people know who they are. Almost two- . Almost two-thirds (63%) say they dont even sometimes feel like they belong or feel known. Soe they belong or feel known . So, while a sense of connection in schools is often possible, it doesnt always happen.t always happen .Only 20%of students tell usAlmost two-thirds (63%)they feel they belong at their schoolsay they dont even sometimesand feel people know who they are. feel like they belong or feel known.'