b'175Photo CreditsPhotos came from submissions to The LessLonely #2022TimeCapsule or were taken from Unsplash. Unsplash photographers are credited here.Cover, pages 144 and 151PriscillaPage 75Loic Furhoff Du Preez Page 76LinkedIn Sales SolutionsCover, pages 109, 113, 117 andPage 79Alexis Brown164Jeswin Thomas Page 80May GauthierPage 2 Gift Habeshaw Page 83Moren HsuPage 5 Jed Villejo Page 84ChristinaPage 6Mche Lee Page 87Yan BerthemyPage 11Jordan EncarnacaoPage 88Ronny SisonPage 16 and 152Cut in A Moment Page 91Kenta KikuchiPage 27 and 71Kenny Eliason Page 93This is EngineeringPage 39ReddPage 101Samantha BorgesPage 43Chris Montgomery Page 105Avi RichardsPage 44Jen Theodore Page 114Mars SectorPage 47Scott WebbPage 119Next AcademyPage 48Eliott ReynaPage 127Tim MossholderPage 52Cassandra Hamer Page 135Alex HaneyPage 55Adrien Olichon Page 148DonnycocacolaPage 56Caitlin Delohery Page 155Eder Pozo PerezPage 59Sarah B Page 156Wander FleurPage 60Nathan Anderson Page 159Steven AbrahamPage 63Finn Page 160Jason GoodmanPage 64Kate Kalvach Page 163Leah HettebergPage 67Markus Spiske Page 167Monica MeltonPage 68Kentaro Toma Page 168Amer MughawishPage 72Taylor Smith'