b'THE 84s psrpinrigntgidtiedreerseesaeracrhc.ho.rogrg9BELONGINGNESS PROCESSLEVEL 2: (I am) NamedThe use of a persons name or correct pronoun triggers an immediate connection. It demonstrates a commitment to their participation in the classroom or school; it builds on noticing and makes a young person feel a deeper sense of being connected. Psychologists and linguists confirm that naming someone elevates them in importance and status. In many ways, our name forms and shapes our identity, and using someones name confirms that you are in a relationship with them.We asked young people whether they experience being named at school. Schools are doing well helping young people, in general, experience being named. About three out of four students say that adults at their school remember their name and greet them by it (or another personal way) at school.77%Adults at my school 61% remember my name.62%59% 73%Adults greet me by name or in some other personal way at my school.Tide-Turning TipUse students preferred names and make a point of pronouncing them correctly from day one. Educators know the importance of learning their students names, which is often a priority in those first few weeks of a new class. Wed like to encourage you to learn your students names before they step foot in your classroom. Make a point of asking all students their preferred name and personal pronouns as a part of school registration, and make sure these names are on all school rosters so that from the first day of school all students can be literally named. Likewise, before'